Dental health is of great importance to human health. Inadequate dental care can lead to illness and loss. If teeth are missing or they are sick, chew the food is bad, is not absorbed by the nutrients, which often causes various diseases of the stomach and intestines. Should chew on both sides. The child should be given to chew biscuits, crisp bread, carrots, etc. The most frequent disease - tooth decay. It appears even in primary teeth and is widely used in children. On the surface of the tooth there is a small dark spot. It gradually increases, it becomes rough, but does not cause pain. Gradually, this place is formed cavity. Initially, the person feels pain in the tooth from being hit by a sweet and salty foods, and then - from hot and cold. Early treatment saves teeth from decay. If the tooth does not heal, it usually becomes inflamed dental pulp - pulpitis. There is excruciating pain, which is enhanced by the night, giving the ear, temple, eye. Later inflammation may spread through the apical hole of the tooth beyond its roots and the root cause inflammation of the membranes - periodontitis, which is accompanied by severe pain in the affected tooth, especially when you click on it. Inflammation may go to the periosteum; swell your gums, increase submandibular lymph nodes (glands), there is swelling of surrounding tissue, the body temperature - it's abscess. More serious complication - an inflammation of the jaw bone marrow (osteomyelitis), and extensive soft tissue abscesses (abscess), covering the jaw. Another serious and destructive disease of teeth - periodontal disease (alveolar pyorrhea). In this condition the teeth are not destroyed, but their roots are gradually exposed, the teeth become loose, they delayed the formation of lime - tartar. Around the gums become inflamed, there is suppuration, and the teeth and eventually fall out. To save the teeth is very important to at least twice a year to see a doctor for a checkup and appropriate treatment. To keep your teeth in good condition, you must carefully look after them: after a meal to rinse your mouth with warm water, brush your teeth daily with tooth powder or paste (once, so as not to wash the enamel, either at bedtime or morning). Everyone should be a separate toothbrush of medium hardness, a new brush before use should be washed with soap and rinse with boiling water. Brushing your teeth is recommended at first along the tooth is glad, and then from the top down and bottom up, to thoroughly clean the space between the teeth. To strengthen the gums can be massaged for a minute, covering the inside and outside of the thumb and forefinger. If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, and if appeared tartar, you must consult your doctor. Particular attention should be paid to care for your dentures, as beneath them accumulate food debris. With the denture easily removed with a brush with tooth powder (after removing the prosthesis from the mouth), from the cast fixed prosthesis - Rinse mouth. But if food debris stuck to the inside surface of the metal, use a periodic rinse hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per cup of water). RECIPES HOME DOCTOR 1 teaspoon dried roots gorichnika Russian pour 2 cups of cold boiled water, to insist in a closed vessel 8 hours, drain. Rinse the teeth with dental pain and halitosis. 1 tbsp. Spoon the crushed root mountaineer snake in 1 cup boiling water: boil 20 minutes, to insist, wrapped, for 30 minutes, drain. Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day with a toothache, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, with stomatitis, bad breath. People use turpentine with a toothache in the form of compresses, applied to areas of the face of the sick tooth. Cut the onion in half. If a tooth ache on the right, the onion cut side to make the left hand on elbow and vice versa. Fasten the bulb with a bandage. After 10-15 minutes the pain goes away and the bulb can be removed. Finely chopped garlic to make a hand (to the place where the probes are usually heart rate) on the opposite side of the aching tooth and pribintovat. On hand for garlic, put a piece of cloth or gauze. When freshly cut aspen log in using the drill or thumb make a hole, but not through. In the opening poured table salt and cover it from a plug of wood. Throw a log on the fire, making sure that wood is not burned completely. Under the action of fire juice soaks table salt. After the fire poured the salt and store. She put on the aching tooth or diluted salt water (1:10) for rinsing. 1 tbsp. teaspoon herbs violet tricolor pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain. Rinse your mouth for a toothache. 2 teaspoons sage leaves pour 2 cups boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 30-40 minutes, drain. Infusion of warm rinse their mouths, trying to delay as long as possible infusion. Once the infusion has cooled, it is necessary to replace it. Do this procedure from 3 to 5 times during the hour-pain subsides. Piece of cotton or bandage wet drops of 5.6 net fir oil and keep the 10-12 minutes on one side of the tooth (to avoid burns!), Then move to the other side and still hold 10-12 minutes. After that, discard the swab. The procedure is repeated after 4-6 hours 1 tbsp. teaspoon dried chopped herbs sage pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and use to rinse until the pain passes. Collection: Peppermint, herb 50g St. John's wort, herb 25g Oregano, herb 15g Mix well, then take 2 tbsp. spoon collection, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Insist 1-2 hours, drain and rinse in use for dental caries and its prevention, as well as to eliminate bad breath. Get a slice of bacon - fresh or salt (if salt pork, salt to clean off). Put it on the aching tooth between the gum and cheek. Hold for 15-20 minutes - during which time the pain subsides. Table salt dissolved in brandy. Soaking in a saturated salt cognac two lump of cotton wool, put on an aching tooth, and another - in the ear of the party, which have a toothache. If after a few minutes toothache not uymetsya, new pieces of cotton wool soaked in salt water, to replace the old and make it up as long as the pain does not pass. In the ear, on the other side, where a toothache, put back the plantain. Usually the pain subsides after half an hour.